A Good Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and it was a pretty good day . I got my taxes done. Of course , one would think since the due date for taxes is the same date as my own birth, I would remember ahead of time when the taxes are going to be due and plan accordingly. One would be wrong. Pretty much every year I wait until almost the last minute and it compromises my enjoyment of any festivities. However, I got it done by midday. That starts a good birthday for me.
I got some phone calls from friends singing me Happy Birthday. I got some emails from some other friends. My best friend and her husband took me to dinner. The waiter gave me my slice of cherry pie for free and when we went to pay for the meal , the guy gave me a free t-shirt. Kind of silly but really fun and enjoyable for me. My friend, among a lot of stuff, gave me a sort of gag gift of a gold charm Liberty Bell. It’s real gold and I’m going to wear it and it made me laugh until I had tears in my eyes. When I got home , I returned a call to my friend Dee-Rob and we laughed so hard on the phone. I laughed a lot on my birthday this year.
Today , at work, they had a card and a cake for me. I had two pieces and it was delicious ! I did walk the 4.8 miles to Harvard Square tonight and I’m pretty achey right now. It was a nice birthday.

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