Doing The Door and Stand-up

I did the door at the Comedy Studio tonight. It was a Saturday night show. The audience was there to have a good time. They were laid back , they seemed to have good time. Sean Bedgood is the Comic in Residence for one more show. I thought he did a good job. Then it was Chris Oake , who I hadn’t seen in a while. He had some really funny stuff. Maggie MacDonld was next , she had changed the wording of some of her jokes. I thought they were perfect already and she just made them even more perfect. Then Billy Bob Neck, I was doing something with the door , so I missed some of his set. I was talking to him before his set and I laughed at the new premise. A poll/petition website. Matt McArthur was next , I had seen him before. He has some really fresh stuff and he has a good delivery.
Then it was my turn. Rick said before the show “Have fun out there ! ” . Though that should always be the goal, I sometimes fall short of that ideal. I was focusing on making it look and feel new. I had come up with a tag for a joke that I used to do all the time, but I have been focusing on other sections and I came up with a tag on the way home from work , that I thought would work. Sometimes having a new little bit in the middle can help make it feel new again. It did. I thought the ending of my set was a little weak, but I still felt good and didn’t lose energy. I was very glad I got to perform after thinking about that new tag today.
After me was John Garrison, he’s originally from Kansas City. He’s a good writer, he reminds me a little bit of Bill Braudis. Erin Judge closed the show. Always consistent.
I hung out after the show a little longer than I had anticipated. I have to work tomorrow. I ended up with Chris Oake and Rick Jenkins just talking about movies. Frankly , I was a little jazzed from the set and I may have difficulty sleeping. When I feel like I did a good job, it’s always harder to unwind.
I have another set at the Studio tomorrow night. Let’s see how that goes . . .

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