Consistency is . .. . .

. . .The hobgoblin of littles minds. . .or so is quoted in the movie “Next Stop Wonderland”. Tonight I did the open mike at the Green Dragon. It had a good sized crowd but they weren’t there for the comedy. There were there for the open window and the beer. It was difficult not to just shout repeatedly over and over again “Shut Up ! Shut UP ! Shut Up !”. .. it wouldn’t have mattered, they weren’t paying attention anyway. Even the other comics couldn’t pay attention.
Jessica opened the show, she went around to each table and told them there was a comedy show about to begin, some people stayed and some left. I don’t know who the first two guys were, I couldn’t hear so I couldn’t pay attention. I was third. I just shot the breeze a little bit and then I went into my material . . .sort of . I just couldn’t concentrate. . ..Essentially, tonight was a washout in terms of helping me get ready for Wed. In the theater the belief is if the dress rehearsal goes awful the show will be great . Let me hope that that adage will carry over to me in regards to the show on Wed. Tonight couldn’t have been more different from last night , if I had done it on purpose.
After me was Chris Pennie. He was on fire last night, tonight . . . . not so much. But , he did get it on tape ! Eskunder Boyd probably did the best. He got off the stage and actually went up to the yakkers and tried to get them involved. I could hear him pretty good, but I did miss a lot. Jack Hurney was there and I think he got the most attention from the crowd. Chris Nesbitt closed and he had a big group with him. Nothing. And by “Nothing” I mean just more of the same that everybody else was getting.
The best parts of this evening was hanging out with Chris Pennie before the show, the ten dollar bill I found in the street and the lobster roll I bought for dinner with said ten dollar bill.
Ther end.


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