Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my birthday. It’s after 3pm and I’m still in my pajamas. I’ve already had a piece of birthday cake and a half a bag of Twisty Cheetoes. I just now finished my taxes, 2 full days before they are legally due ! I’m getting a refund from the Feds and I owe less than a $100.oo to the state. My BFF and her husband are coming to get me at 5:30 and they are taking me out to dinner, I don’t know where. My Mum gave me a card with a dollar for every year I’ve been alive. I even got a card from the cat. He’s a good boy !
Yesterday, my co-worker bought me a breakfast sandwich and a cherry pie from Petsies Pies and my Boss bought me lunch and an afternoon tea. We went to Red Bones, I drove , but it was still pretty sweet ! Last week, my friend Angelynn gave me two beautiful jewelled barretts and a book about how Google works (I ‘ve already started reading it ! )
I really haven’t made a big deal out of it this year. My buddy Keith took me to dinner on Thursday to a place we’ve been trying to get to since it moved.I didn’t tell him my birthday was coming up. We went to Casa de Pedro’s new location in Watertown. I had “Pedro’s Birthday dinner” and flan for dessert. It consists of chorizo,black sausage, flank steak, plantains, rice and potatoes and some sort of tasty sauce that is applied to the steak. It was delicious. Keith has turned me on to a lot of great places to eat. I would never argue with him about what I should order. I would just ask him “What should I get ?” He’d order for me and it’s always something I love and would never have thought to order it for myself.
So, here I am , at this age. Older than I ever expected to be. We’re having a Nor’easter of a rain storm here. I wish I was a little bit more psyched about today. I just ain’t. I’m glad I finished the taxes. Every year it weighs heavily on me. The closer to the filing date , the crazier and less inclined to do them I get. I don’t have to get ready for another hour to go out.
I’ll blog after dinner.


  • Hope you had a wonderful birthday with your friends! Birthdays are always special and having a birthday dinner with friends and family is very special too! You are lucky to have some wonderful friends who care so much about you and know your choice of food as well. Have a great year ahead!

  • bigtiny says:

    come on now…lunch was Blue Ribbon not Redbones!!!!!

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