Penultimate Show

It’s my second to last show of my month as “Comic in Residence”. First off, some guy in the audience offered to buy all the comics a drink. All the comics a drink ! Sharey , the waitress , had to keep going up to people in the dark and whispering “Paul wants to buy the comics a drink. What do you want?” I had a bottled water. Thanks Paul !
The audience was really ready to laugh. They were in a great mood. Even though some of them were late because the Zombie parade shut down traffic on Mass. Avenue for a bit. There were police cars and everything … . where are the Walsh Brothers when Zombies are parading ? Oh right, In LA, maybe starting real careers. .. ‘n stuff.
Rick started the show before 8:10. It was standing room only by 8. The place was pretty packed -not Christmas show packed-but it was packed. The audience really loved Rick. They were really giving it up . Consequently, I thought I did pretty good , too. I just mixed it up a bit. Doing the recently added material mixed in with the other stuff. I was enjoying myself , until I got to the end of the coffee can bit-when I realized there was no one in the booth to flash the light AND I was over my time, I stuttered through the ending and then I forgot it ! I hate when that happens ! It ‘s a variation on people (meaning me) telling a story , it goes a little long, and then they forget why they (I) started telling the story in the first place. What was the point ? Is there a connection to what we were talking about before ? Like that there. I stopped short after that, because I was sweating that I had gone over. I just don’t want to go over. It’s impolite to the other comics. Overall , I felt very good about tonight’s set.
Then it was Jon Rineman, I know he was getting laughs, but I wasn’t paying attention because I had taken it upon myself to go do the light in the booth. When he was done, he came back to the booth and took over from there. I descended, feeling he knew what he was doing. I don’t quite remember the order. I think Shane Webb was next. I always like seeing her, she just has such a nice way about her . I think her material has a nasty cast to it, which I also find endearing. Then , little Renata Tutko , Sean Sullivan, Cyndi Stiles. Tissa Hami did a great job. Joe Wong closed the show. The audience loved him . It’s always amazing to me that he can A) Write such good jokes and B) He’s doing it in a second language ! His material is frequently very verbal and I am amazed at how he phrases his jokes. Always impressive.
Half way through the show, I got a little sad thinking about my month ending. It’s not like I won’t be trying to perform other places, but I had been looking forward to my month for so long and it feels like it barely started and it’s almost over. Though, truth be told, I am very tired and I’m looking forward to a night or two off. One more show to go . . . .

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