11 Down. ..

11 to Go. . .It is the half way point kids. The rest of my month has 11 more shows in it. Tonight was another fantastic line -up -what the hell was I doing there ? I’m Comic in Residence. .. THAT’S WHY !!!!!!
Let’s see , Sam Walters was in from New York, sporting a freshly inked tatoo. Kyria Abrams was there , Dan Newbower, The Walsh Brothers ( I laughed until I hurt), Steve Calechman, Eugene Mirman and the great Kelly MacFarland. Pat O’Shea who, apparently had been in bands with a couple of former beaus of mine. In fact one was in the audience and I didn’t even recognize him (probably says a lot about our relationship) . I saw him and thought to myself “Hey , that guy looks like Bob Sensio” the guy looked at me- didn’t smile or wave or anything. .. That was Bob . . .and guess what makes this a sad and pathetic event, tonight was my birthday and our disolution revolved around my birthday a thousand years ago. .. . I cried a little in the disco downstairs. I believe that’s what discos were invented for. . but this blog isn’t about my useless little existence. . . this is about my residency.
My set went okay, but I feel like it took a bit to win them over. My best friend Marageret , and her fiance , were in the audience and she was laughing pretty loud. Wether out of mirth or solidarity, I can’t be sure, but I’m greatful for it. I tried no new material this evening. I don’t believe I had enough alert brain cells to retrieve any new stuff. SO, I felt okay about what I did tonight, but I would have liked to have felt like I killed. Tony Moschetto killed last night. I want to be like that. Go up and get them on my side with my material. . .I may need new material. Arrgghhh!
I assisted Steve Calechman with that slow dance bit of his he does. I have no idea if it was funny, my back was to the audience the whole time. After the show, I folded the chairs and took down the curtain. Then everyone adjourned to the Disco downstairs. Val Kappa showed up , so did Tim McIntire. I think Steve Donovan was on the premises as well. After the music got really loud we rolled up the street to another bar. We left there and Kelly MacFarland and Carolyn Plummer and I went to breakfast. It’s really late now .The good news is, I got coverage for work tomorrow. The Bad news. .. I haven’t done my taxes yet. Because I’m an idiot.

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