To Finish Friday

So, to finish with Fantastic Friday. The club is in hystercis. Brendan has brought the house down and everyone is still giggly. So, they take a break to sell more drinks and then they come back. They open the second half with “If there ‘s anyone who would like to do a one minute promo for their show they can come on up if . . … they’ll do it naked. You can only do your promo if you’re naked ” . . . . . Andy’s hand shoots up . . . .both Leon and James eyebrows shoot up “You know mate, you’ve got to be naked” Andy’s like ” Yeah , I know , I don’t have a problem with that” and the place goes crazy. They’re screaming, Andy’s taking his clothes off, Brian and I have our cameras out. I’m shoutin “Andy! … . Nooooooo !” Everyone was cheering him on and he did the promo for the show. He didn’t do any of his “A” naked material, he was too confused by all the screaming and cheering. But I was so proud of him because he actually did a promo for the show. Now that’s great advertising. I have no idea if it’s going to sell any tickets for us, but it was an amazing stunt.
Then a guy from PaulProvenza’a show “The Nigerian Spam Scam” named Victor got up and did his promo and then Brendan dared him to dunk his penis in a beer, Victor said bring it on up mate, Brendan did , Victor dunked and then Brendan drank the beer. The place was crazy ! Wild ! Screaming fest ! How the fuck do you follow that ? And someone did, Robin Ince. He commended Andy for his bravery and that he could never do that himself. Brendan was heckling him from our table to get him to take if off and Robin was having none of that. Then it was Howard and Little Howard -it was an interactive computer cartoon bit. I thought it was brilliant but kind of technologically disonant with all the other stuff on stage. Then Rain did some of her characters from her show and she was really pleased with what she did. It was an amazing hilarious show. Then we headed over the “The Library” and hung out. We got home at 4 am. It was quite an evening. On the way home , Brian remarked, “No one was ever more prepared for that moment than Andy.That’s why he’s here.” If nothing else happens while we’re here , that night alone would have been all worth it.

So. August 6 -Continued
3:30 am The Flat
Tonight was less exciting. We stayed to see Rain’s show because her show started late and our’s ended early. Then Brian, Kris , Andy and I went to the Pleasance and had some food. I am eating way too many French Fries a/k/a/ “Chips”. Then Brian and I walked home. Andy let me blog and then I walked back into town with the intention of going of see tonight’s Free Beer show. When I got within a couple of blocks of the venue, Rain called me to say the show was sold out and they were heading over to the library bar. It’s a place where a lot of the performers and press hang out and relax and “get pissed”. Rain’s interview came out, and it was a whole page ! And the pictures look great.
I hung out as long as I could take it. It wasn’t awful, but I was tired and therefore I wasn’t very sociable. I walked back across the Meadows. It is cool, cold, like a late October-November. Like the Autumn I spent working on Nantucket. I wish I had thought to bring some warmer clothes. I feel frumpy because I have limited clothing options. I wish I had different shoes. I am really tired.

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