
Then we went down to the Box office and found out our numbers. 141 is pretty good. Then we wanted coffee and computers. Brian went on to get more prop pieces, Calvin and Andy went to get phones- with the plan to meet up with us at the Fringe office -and Rain and I headed to Starbucks.
Calvin assured us that there was a lounge and internet service provided for Fringe participants. However, when we got there, it was not actually ready, and we couldn’t actually use the computers, but we had committed to waiting for Calvin and Andy. So, we ended up sitting on a couch , drinking our coffee and shooting the breeze.After an hour, we decided they weren’t coming back and Rain offered to spring for a cab. The pot was really getting to me, so I readily agreed. Of course, all the cabs were filled and we ended up walking All the way home anyway.
PS-Andy’s luggage still has not arrived. We got props in there !

August 3, 11:15 am the flat
I awoke at 9 am to the sound of the cleanig lady arriving with her 4 kids and mother shortly thereafter.Brian and Calvin went out to get juice and croissants. We met in “The Lounge” to discuss the order of the day. Rain very graciously shared her Bodum coffee with me this morning.I am showered , dressed and my teeth are bruhed. My back hurts from yesterday’s tumble. The weather is cool and overcast. Andy has gone to the airport to hopefully collect his luggage and Brian is doing something with props. Our plan is to catch a cab at 11:30 and head to the venue for our tech-in the caves.

August 3 2:10 pm Tech Rehearsal at Baby Belly II
Our venue is a cave. Literally -a cave. during quiet moments you can hear the wind whistling through the caverns. Andy just arrived-2:15 pm. Brian and I took a cab over with the rolling chair,2 tables , the pot and the folding stool. Our tech person Lou was outside waitng for us. Kris arrived shortly after we got to the “theater”.

Aug 3, 2:35-Andy wants to know if there ‘s a lot of spelunkers in the area beause that’s the only people that are going to be interested in coming to our show.

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