Eating Meat

It is now Tuesday morning and I have been flopping around getting nothing done. I got to work really late yesterday-my Boss was spitting mad. Oh well, it’s not like they would actually fire me or anything. . . . I was late because I had a busy day answering calls for auditions. I have a “call-back” audition for a Showtime show today and I have a first audition for a national commercial on Thursday. I am reservedly excited about things.
Last night we had a great rehearsal.We rehearsed at Andy’s new house. Our director, George McDonald , is really great . I don’t know how he sees the things he does, but it’s been wonderful having him direct us. Brian Longwell has written all the material and basically he’s producing this Mamma-Jamma Barge. I am really fortunate to be working with these guys. Andy Ofiesh is great and Kris Earle has really added a dimesion that was missing.Kris is a stable Dependable guy who knows what it takes to get things done. AND he’s going to Edinburough . The whole cast is going ! I have no idea why these guys are letting me perform with them , but I’m going to keep my mouth shut, in case they change their minds. Which they might !
Kris Earle hosts a show on Tuesday nights at Evos in Lowell and on Wed. nights at the Office behind Fanueil Hall in Boston. Come on down ! You might see someone really good -like Andrea Henry or Paul Day !!!
Today , when I got up , my mother asked me “Are you a vegetarian?” -now for some reason she asks me this question 2 or 3 times a year.
I replied ” No. Why would you ask me that question?”
she says (every time ) “Oh , I just never see you eat meat”
And then I have to give recent examples of my meat eating. Such as “You watched me cut a piece of the meat loaf yesterday. Remember ? I asked you about the tin foil ? “
She says “Oh Yeah”
“And I used up all the Ham. We had to get more Ham ! “
“Oh Yeah.” Pause “But you don’t like chicken ?”
“Of Course I like Chicken. Why would you ask me if I don’t like chicken ?”
“Well, you didn’t eat any of the chicken I made last night. I made up a plate for you .”
“Mum, I didn’t get home until after 11. Kind of late to be eating a full chicken dinner. Maybe I’ll have it for breakfast . How’s that ?”
“Oh, okay”.
So, kids, it’s not that she thinks I converted to Vegetarianism, she just won’t ask me directly about the chicken plate she left for me. I don’t know why she gets so insecure about her cooking. When I’m home, I’ll eat everything she makes. I love her cooking. I can’t believe she cooks at all. The other night she made chocolate chip cookies. No reason. She just thought it would be nice. It IS nice. I am so lucky. I just have to remember when I eat meat.

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