A Perfect Summer Evening

I went to the game against Tampa Bay with my cousin last night . The weather was perfect. It wasn’t the sweltering humidity we’ve been recently experiencing . It was warm with just enough of a cool breeze. We had the Doctor’s seats, right along the third base line. There weren’t too many loud mouths near us and the Sox won. I went to the concession stand and I couldn’t keep myself from smiling at the thought I was at Fenway on a summer’s eve with my cousin. That is a version of heaven for me.
In the concession line , I was standing behind a guy talking to a woman about work . The voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it. Since it was a long wait, he went to check another food counter. When he came back , I asked him if they had cheeseburgers, because that was what I was getting for my cousin. Before he answered me, he looked me in the eye and started to say “Did you go to Umass ? ” and before he could finish it I gasped “Henry ! Henry !!!” We went to school together , we did a lot of scenwork together in class. He ‘s lived in New York and London. He was even up for a CBS sitcom , back in the day. I haven’t seen him in, literally , 25 years. What a small world.
After the game, I walked back over the Mass Ave bridge to Harvard Square where my car was parked. I love the view over the Mass Ave. bridge and there was a beautiful breeze blowing. It took me about 45 minutes, and I was really thirsty by the time I got to my car.
I was home by 11:15. It was good night.

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