Animal Abuse

That’s what I felt like I committed today. I abused my animal. I feel like an animal abuser. My cat needs to have his nails trimmed by the vet. He has double and triple paws. He’s actually growing new appendages. It’s like every so often he grows another thumb or pinky. A thumb or pinky that also grows a claw. Sometimes the claws grow back into the pads of his paws. He can get hobbled by this predilection. When he gets hobbled , it is a pricey solution . So , we take him to the vet before he gets handicapped.
Mum has been asking me to help her get him in the carrier for a couple of weeks now. There just hasn’t been time . Today , however, was the day. I tricked the cat into some premium brushing and cooing. He loves to be brushed . This could be considered his one kitty character flaw. He can’t help himself. Fortunately , for me because I can distract him while I’m brushing him. I had just gotten out of the shower. I had a bathrobe on and a towel on my head. I whipped the towel off my hair and over the cat and then scooped him up in the towel to shove him in the carrier. I had to attempt this procedure a couple of times. Finally , I got him in the carrier.
I feel bad that I had to trick him and I feel badly that he sort of growl/cried all the way to the vet. I know it’s for his own good, but I just felt bad . I know he pretty much is unable to think too far ahead or too far into the past . His brain is the size of a walnut. But I love my cat and I mostly want him to lie around the house looking like a cat without being in pain.
Long story short, we got him to the vet and got his nails taken care of and he’s completely forgotten what happened this morning. Now , he ‘s just hanging around the house doing the thing we like him to do best.


  • bigtiny says:

    “I whipped the towel off my hair and over the cat and then scooped him up in the towel to shove him in the carrier. I had to attempt this procedure a couple of times. Finally , I got him in the carrier.”

    that happened to me once in a cheap hotel in Mexico City…10 years and 1 less kidney later, I’ve learned my lesson!


  • Dot Dwyer says:

    Hmmm. .. maybe I should have used the word “pussy” more to refer to my cat ?

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