Another Day

Well. let’s see. . over the last 72 hours I have done 3 loads of laundry and read one magazine. I am unable to train my attention on anything for vey long. I shoveled the sidewalk and the drive way yesterday, I was late for work, I called to say I would be late and they said to stay home because the streets had not been plowed where yesterday’ s job was. I put the jammies back on and stayed in bed.
The snow was about 7 inches deep yesterday. The weather reports didn’t really talk about the snow in my area. I can only imagine that there was less snow in the neighboring areas. The street was slow to get plowed here creating a snowier atmosphere than there may have been a half mile away. Still , with all that unexpected time on my hands , I would think I would have taken advantage of it and got some stuff of a housekeepng nature done. Nope. Maybe I would have returned some phone calls ? Unh-uh. I didn’t even shower. Thus planting the fear that I would never again bathe.
The benefit is that I feel so bad about getting nothing done , that I have tried to atone for my sins by blogging. It doesn’t make my bed and it may bore anyone who happens upon this blog, but it some how makes me feel better. I am showered and have some of my make-up on. I am going to work at two different jobs today and get on with things.
I hope.

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