Better Late Than Never

Okay, I’ve been writing in my notebook expecting to blog from the flat. That ain’t hapening until next week sometime.This is my 4rth attempt today to get the writng in.

Okay, Forthwith:
JULY 31/AUGUST 1,2005 Somewhere over the Atlantic,2:15 am est
Our flight from Manchester was about an hour and a half late taking off. We landed in Newark about 5 minutes before our connecting flight was set to take off. Brian went up the ramp to talk to “A representative” and I waited for the checked Carry-on bags to get delivered. Brian said a cart was coming for us.
And so it did. Our driver was a pleasant Pakistani guy. Our cart did not have a horn so he had to keep saying “Beep,Beep” to get people to move out of the way. Thankfully, he drove quite fast.
I was seized be a definite need to wave to people as we sped by. It seemed like the most appropriate behaviour in a speeding golf cart. We picked up a couple of hitch hikers also heading to the same gate as us. I think Brian was a little embarassed by my actions. But it felt like the right thing to do.
The woman at the gate told us to take any seat we culd find (in Coach) because they had already been seated. Unbelievably, we found 2 seats in an Emergency Exit row. We both took seats closest to the exit door and both of us had empty middle seats in our rows. Remarkably, we were able to stow our carry-on in the overhead compartment. Unbelievable !
They served a lovely dinner of roast beef, potatoes colcannon ( not as good as my friend Margaret makes them) and a carrot and string bean medley. For breakfast, they served coffee, fresh fruit cup (pineapple and grapefruit) and a toasted croissant. We are about 15 minutes from landing. I slept pretty well. The sun is out and it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day in Scotland !
I could still use some more sleep and I’ll wait until we land to go to the bathroom.
Aug 1- The Flat
51/1 Lauderdale Street,Marchmont
Our plane touched down at 7:36 am. It is now roughly 4:30 AM Boston tme. I am part really tired and really excited to get a room and start unpacking.
Brian and I took a cab from the airport. We are first to arrive. Since I didn’t pay for my room, I don’t know which one to pick. The closet room, actually is a closet, but it would be really private if not a bit snug. They have somehow managed to squeeze a bunk bed in there -don’t know how, but someone did.
I have been taking pictures with the digital camera my brother got me for Xmas, but I don’t know if I’ve saved the stuff or I just keep taking the same one picture over and over again.
August 1, 10:10 pm Edinburgh time
We Are at the Gayola in the Meadows. We went to dinner at Kushi’s. We are Brian, Andy, Andrew Lederer, Clayton Wynn, Rain Pryor and the Parker Entertainment intern Lisa.
Land Lord’s name is Graham. He brought over a bottle of Glenfiddich. I slept quite a bit. The food at the reatuarant was fantastic. It was Indian and I had a stuffed Haddock in Curry sauce thing that was magnificent ! We ate a lot. We kept ordering stuff , not realizing how much food that it really was going to be.
12:20 am August 2;Scotland time
Back at the flat.
Brian and I walked back from the Gayola about 10 minute after Clay, Rain and Andy left. We left Linda and Andrew behind. Brian looked at a map and figured out which way we should go. We walked by the Gilded Baloon venue, up a lane, left, then left agian through the park. There were fire jugglers practicing in the dark park.
We walked a little out of the way to see if there were any places near by where we could get some of our prop pieces. We caught up with Clay, Rain and Andy.
Brian brought his laptop outside to see if he could pick up a signal. Lo, an behold, he could ! I could only check my e-mail because the signal was so weak. We looked pretty suspicious because it’s a dark street corner and we’re huddled over a glowing lap top.
I deleted some ads and read a message from a friend that really made me feel like I was connected to home. It was the only message that seemed personal.
My room really is a closet . Though, it affords a certain amount of privacy, I can see it getting claustrophobic. Let’s just say , I can see myself doing a lot of crying in here.
AUgust 2; 9:30 am
The Dutch Oven -that’s what Andrew has dubbed my closet room.
Made coffee with the Bodum -Plunger thing. I have had a raging caffiene headache since 6:30 am. I don’t have a schedule, so I don’t know how to schedule my day. I’ve got to work on that. Took a shower crouching-there is no shower head-just an attachment. Forgot my hairbrush. Need to brush my teeth.
11:15 am the flat
Headache gone. Plan of action devised. I practically begged Brian to tell me what to do and schedule a deadline to do it.
Andy made eggs and toast. I showed Rain how to use the plunger thing. Cal had us take inventory of stuff that the landlord provided. Rain and I are going to amble about. I have a load of wash in the Turbo Dry- let’s see how it comes out. I didn’t put anything shrinkable in it. Andy is going to get me a phone and I may hand it off to Kris , so we can maintain contact.
Don’t know where Kris is now.
I brushed my teeth. I am dressed. I ate a couple of pieces of toast . It was G-O-O-D!
7:05 Internet cafe August 2.
We checked the box office-we have sold 141 tickets so far ! I think that is amazing !
I will log again as soon as I am able. The keys are different on this key board.

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