
Doing The Door and Stand-up

I did the door at the Comedy Studio tonight. It was a Saturday night show. The audience was there to have a good time. They were laid back , they seemed to have good time. Sean Bedgood is the Comic in Residence for one more show. I thought he did a good job. Then it Doing The Door and Stand-up

It’s Hawt Heyah

Oh Man ! So much for a traditional New Englad Fall. It’s in the 90’s. I’m dripping flop sweat like Albert Brooks in Network, no, it wasn’t Network. Crap ! What ‘s the title of that film anyway ? It starred William Hurt and Holly Hunter. “Broadcast News”? Ah . . never mind, you get It’s Hawt Heyah

It’s 3 AM and I’m Wide Awake

I did the Comedy Studio tonight. I did the door and I got some stage time. I went out after the show with Rick Jenkins and Chance Langton. Originally, Brain Longwell, Paul Day & Andy Ofiesch were with us. We left the Studio becuase it was too loud and headed over to the Cellar. It It’s 3 AM and I’m Wide Awake

Extra Working Extra

I did some more extra work yesterday on one of the films being shot here in Boston. It stars Steve Martin and Jean Renau, a French actor of some heft. It was being shot at the Boston Convention and Exhibition center and it was supposed to be an airport , and it sure did look Extra Working Extra

Aaahhhh. . .Work !

I am working a convention today. It is the last day of the convention and a lot of people are leaving. People have been leaving since 10 AM. I have to stay here until 2PM. Just in case someone needs a reservation to a restaurant. The pants portion of my pantsuit doesn’t zip all the Aaahhhh. . .Work !

Stand-Up at the Studio

I did stand-up at the Comedy Studio on Wed. night. I also did the door, because it was packed !!!! There were a couple of new guys on the show and, God Bless ’em, they all tried to bring as many people as possible. While I was doing the door, we kept running out of Stand-Up at the Studio

More Car Woes

Yup. My car died in between jobs on Saturday. It was so hot and I was dripping wet and I needed to be someplace in a half hour looking really good and all I could manage was a reasonable facimile of wilted chard. I still do not have my car. My mother is going to More Car Woes

In The Movies

For those of you living in far flunged locations or those who don’t pay attention to the local news, there are 3 major motion picures being filmed in Boston right now. 2 of them had open calls while I was in Scotland but I was able to get myself submitted and the other one my In The Movies


I am whining here, so maybe you don’t want to read this. . . . We are slamming at the visitors center today. The computer is not connected to the internet , so , I am writing this from an internet cafe. I have allergies, so I took a generic Claritin this morning, so, I Whining

Okay, I’m Home

Leaving Edinburgh, Andy asked me if I would carry a bag for him. Because on Flyglobespan, they’re pretty strict on the weight limits. I was pretty sure I didn’t meet the weight limit , so , I agreed to carry his bag for him. Twice I apologized in advance, in case the bags arrive late Okay, I’m Home