
A Good Start

I arose around 6:30 AM. I did a load of laundry and balanced my check book. I sit here blogging, now fully dressed with most of my make-up on. As soon as I finish my tea, I will brush my teeth, apply my lipstick and head off to the record store. Tonight , I am A Good Start

My Head Hurts

My head hurts and I don’t know why. I went to sleep at a reasonable time last night , I arose at a reasonble hour this morning. I got some puttering done. I did 2 loads of laundry last night. I have returned from my solitude with a hankering to organize. But , my head My Head Hurts


To Dream . . . Perchance to scheme. . . . Oh I wish I could get the coin up to go to Edinburgh this year. I went to see the show at Jimmy Tingle’s and the Boston contingent looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun ! The things I want to


Technical Difficulties, Again. I don’t know why I can’t post a title on this. I have not posted in a couple of days because I could not. I am none too sure this is going to come out. Kiki and I went to the movies again on Tuesday. We went to see “Evening” starring Vanessa

Chowderfest Strategy

Yesterday was the annual Chowderfest held at City Hall Plaza. I worked last year and tried to attend , but it was too crowded for my hour long lunch, so, I turned around and got an expensive Caesar salad from Finagle a Bagel. This year, I was also working, AND I received a ticket to Chowderfest Strategy

Nana Rolls

Tonight I attended a party at a roller rink in Saugus. It was a birthday party for a local favorite comic, Ken Reid. My friend Korte called to see if I was going and I didn’t know anything about it, but it sounded like fun. I thought I hadn’t roller skated in about 7 years. Nana Rolls

Must . .. Leave. . . House

Aarrrggghhh. . . .On Tuesdays, I don’t have to be at the job early. It would be nice if I did arrive early, but I usually don’t. I usually work a couple of hours and head off to the big city for the other job. I am dressed. I don’t have all of my make-up Must . .. Leave. . . House

Another Monday Morning

So, I worked a convention over the weekend. 11 hours on Saturday and 11 1/2 on Sunday. It was relatively quiet for a convention . There were over 3,00o attendees and I think we interacted with about 20 of them. I went to bed early Friday and Saturday and I couldn’t help but fall asleep Another Monday Morning