
Visit From a Crack-Whore

Literally. We had a visit from the righteously angry crack whore today. She entered the center like she was walking up a sloped wall . She was skinny , white, with long dirty black hair. I watched her come through door , doing a bad Art Carney imitation and as she entered the ladies room Visit From a Crack-Whore

Lost in Marshfield

I had a set in Marshfield at Rafferty’s last night. It’s the room Chrissy Kelliher runs. I had been looking forward to it for a couple of weeks. The lack of car put a kink in the works. My Mother let me use her car and then , at the last minute, my brother let Lost in Marshfield

Having A Pity Party

I’m depressed. I’m not going to slit my wrists or down a bottle of pills, I’m just a little discouraged right now. I still don’t have ny car back. The part didn’t come in today, maybe Monday. Well, my mechanic said “Monday , for sure” but my gut tells me it’s going to be later Having A Pity Party

It’s Raining

It’s raining and I don’t have a car. The brakes went on my car on Tuesday and I’ve been taking the bus. I have to get to Andover today and my garage is going to lend me a car. They can’t find a part. Something with “Hydraulic” in the name. It’s a 20 year old It’s Raining

Another Sunny Monday

Today , the sun is shining and it’s predicted to reach the high 70’s here . In the past few years, we here in New England , have gotten used to going directly from winter to summer. Today’s weather is an example of that phenomenon. I am greatful for the warmth. Also, a friend called Another Sunny Monday

Dental Hygiene on the T

Aarrrrrrggh!. … I went to see a play tonight with my friend Lauren. We went to “Miss Witherspoon” by Christopher Durang at the Lyric Theater. It was good. I thought the talent was really good but I think I’ve seen too many movies to really enojoy watching plays anymore. It seemed so slow. . . Dental Hygiene on the T

Standard Self-Abuse

Okay . .. . so. . .. . I finished my taxes yesterday but I still had to copy and assemble them. I didn’t work today because the weather here was so discouraging, my place of business didn’t open today. SO, I was left to figure out , for the whole day, when I would Standard Self-Abuse

Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my birthday. It’s after 3pm and I’m still in my pajamas. I’ve already had a piece of birthday cake and a half a bag of Twisty Cheetoes. I just now finished my taxes, 2 full days before they are legally due ! I’m getting a refund from the Feds and I owe less Happy Birthday to Me

Go See Grind House !

Kiki and I saw Grindhouse last night . It was action-packed, fun-filled and Cheesey Delicious ! It is 2 films and four trailers for imaginary films. There were these little theater announcements I remember from going to the movies when I was a kid. Rose McGowan and Freddie Rodriguez are great and Kurt Russell still Go See Grind House !

A New Monday Morning

Yesterday was Easter. I worked at the booth. Apparently I missed two fairly interesting events since last Thursday. On Friday, someone actually took a shit in the sink in the Mens room . My co-worker explained the discovery as “There was a worse smell than usual wafting from the Gents. The cleaning lady couldn’t get A New Monday Morning