
Bye Mum

Bye Mum January 7, 2011 Sorry ,it’s been a while since I posted. My brother returned from war, my other brother reconciled with us and then my Mother passed away. It was a tough year and a wonderful year. I had been caring for my Mother for the last year. She passed almost exactly a Bye Mum

Sweat Pants Report

Sweat Pants Report June 27, 2010 Ahhhhhh, another Saturday night and here I sit in my sweat pants. I made dinner, did some laundry , dishes are in the dish washer getting washed. Worked a convention today, going back again tomorrow. Tired but not quite ready to sleep. I don’t really have anything to say. Sweat Pants Report

Good Bye -2009

AH , the new year is upon me and already I feel so far behind. I didn’t really accomplish much in 2009. I made less money, I didn’t save anything, I didn’t go anywhere. How does a person work 7 days a week and still end up earning less ? Between March and July I Good Bye -2009

Husband Fantasy

It’s finished snowing here on the east coast. It was a certified blizzard. It is truly beautiful to look at. The snow is very light and fluffy. It is still overcast out there. The sky is gray.Though it is much warmer than it was all last week. It has to be warm enough to snow Husband Fantasy

Random Thoughts

I think I have psoriasis of the eyes.I ache to read certain books. I have at least 20 at home that I ached to own when I acquired them. You would think I would have read more of them instead of wanting more stuff. . . but you’d be wrong. It is really cold here Random Thoughts

Making the Turkey -Part 2

1:30 First time basting the turkey, all the juice was dried up. Probably should have started basting sooner.I think maybe putting that chicken stock in probably wasn’t a good idea. Added 4 cups of water.2:00 Basted again. I think it’s going to work. Kept basting every 20 minutes.3:40 Took aluminum foil off. Put meat thermometer Making the Turkey -Part 2

Making the Turkey-Part 1

So, Around 9 AM, I started dicing the carrots, onions, celery & mushrooms. I sauteed them in a stick & half of butter. I had to do it in two parts because it wouldn’t all fit in the skillet. I did not saute the carrots but I did dice them up pretty small. By 10AM, Making the Turkey-Part 1

Rememberances of Things Fast

Remembrances of Things Fast November 26, 2009 Today, for some reason, I was thinking about the 2 speeding tickets I got about 10 years ago. I had never had a speeding ticket before or since. I got them within 6 months of each other. The first one-It was a warm , spring like day , Rememberances of Things Fast

Minor Progress

Some progress is progress. My war against technology is whipping my ass. I am not a technophobe, but I seem to think everything will be a lot easier than it turns out to be. After all my anxiety about the connector cable from the monitor to the computer-my purchase from Dell and their unwillingness to Minor Progress

Railing Against the Wind

I stand on the mountain top shaking my fists at the sky and screaming my protest against the trials of it all. The beurauracracy, my stupidity, my lack of forethought. I am drizzling my nickels & dimes. I will never get out from under this heavy rock . My tiny heart is pinched. I will Railing Against the Wind