
It’s Raining Snow

The weather that has been terrorizing the rest of the country, in particular Upstate New York, has finally turned it’s menacing gaze upon New England. The weather people have been warning us for days. Some of us “smelled” the oncoming snow or felt it’s imminent arrival. I thought I could “See” it on the way. It’s Raining Snow

It’s Raining Snow

The weather that has been terrorizing the rest of the country, in particular Upstate New York, has finally turned it’s menacing gaze upon New England. The weather people have been warning us for days. Some of us “smelled” the oncoming snow or felt it’s imminent arrival. I thought I could “See” it on the way. It’s Raining Snow

Jason, My Hero

Well, today was really friggin’ cold here in Boston-town. Not the best day to leave your headlights on in the parking garage, when you leave it there from 7:00 am to 6:45 PM. No-Sire-Ree, that’s what is commonly considered a “Bad Idea”. And . .. .Yet. . That is exactly what I did. Not on Jason, My Hero

Another Monday Morning

First off, I have not been able to update my website. I can’t get in to the page. So , if you’ve switched to here to see what I’m up to. . .. Thursday, February 8, I’m at Lew’s Place in Tewksbury -showtime between 9 -9:30. On Friday, Feb. 9, I’m at the Comedy Studio Another Monday Morning

Byfield and Smokin’ Aces

Last Saturday I performed at a benefit for the victims of the Danvers explosion. It was held at the Byfield Town Hall . A quaint New England meeting house built in the late 188o’s. There were quite a few people there for the weather and the admission price. It was a good crowd. I was Byfield and Smokin’ Aces

Cat’s Paw

Our cat is now 5 years old. His name is Tom Brady Dwyer. Yes,he is named after the football player. Mum named him. He is a good boy and my Mother and I adore him. He is mostly orange tabby with a white undercarriage. He is also double-pawed. We’ve had double-pawed cats before, but we’ve Cat’s Paw

Comedy Last Night

Despite the fact it was a Division Championship game, there was a show at the Comedy Studio last night. Not a bad size, either ! Doug Chagnon hosted the show. He is the comic in residence this month . I thought he did a really good job. I like Doug. The first act up was Comedy Last Night

Dang It !

I had posted anew on Wed. or Thursday and I had trouble posting. Like last time, I hoped that it would show. Alas, I was wrong. The missing entry was titled “The Technology Twist”. I have no idea where it went. I updated my activities. I saw Children of Man on Tuesday and I attended Dang It !

It’s A New Year

Sorry It’s taken so long to post. Through a combination of scheduling and another slow spell with the computer, I have just not had enough attention available to sit down and post something. I worked the booth New Year’s Eve and went out to dinner with my newly married friends and a married gay couple It’s A New Year

It’s A New Year

Sorry It’s taken so long to post. Through a combination of scheduling and another slow spell with the computer, I have just not had enough attention available to sit down and post something. I worked the booth New Year’s Eve and went out to dinner with my newly married friends and a married gay couple It’s A New Year