
It’s A New Year

Sorry It’s taken so long to post. Through a combination of scheduling and another slow spell with the computer, I have just not had enough attention available to sit down and post something. I worked the booth New Year’s Eve and went out to dinner with my newly married friends and a married gay couple It’s A New Year

More on the “F” word

“F” as in “FOCUS” !!! I did stand-up at the Studio tonight. It was a pretty good crowd and a potentially great line-up. Originally, Louis CK was going to do a set , but he had to cancel . Then Frank Santorelli was going to do the show, apparently something came up for him. Then More on the “F” word


Oh , the thought of driving my dragging muffler to the garage is causing me a great deal of malaise. I have to get out of the house. I can’t get to Andover to work, no wheels. I can work in Cambridge, I can walk from the garage. However, from where I sit in my Procrastination

Swinging in The Breeze

Ahhh. . .Here I am again. .. . I should be getting ready for work. Surfing the web. Procrastinating the shower. The wardrobe is decided upon already. An outfit that will get me through engineering, sitting in a Museum gallery , light shopping and then taking in a show with the bridal parties’ out of Swinging in The Breeze

First Snow

It’s the first snow today. I was awakened by my cat who was frantically trying to get the sash and window open so he could look out the window. I thought it was odd that he would be so crazy to see birds. Ah-Ha ! It was snowing. The birds were making quite a racket. First Snow

The Christmas Window

For probably the last 20 years, or so, I do the Christmas window at the record store. For many years, I would start trying to think of ideas in advance so that when it came time to install the window, I would have a bunch of great ideas. One year, I went to Goodwill , The Christmas Window

One For You, One For Me

So, I’m preparing for a Bridal shower, a wedding and Christmas. Three Sundays in a row. I gotta work and I gotta buy presents. Yeah, I know, in the grand scheme of things I don’t “GOTTA” but I feel I need to keep up with the Jones’s and certain people close to me expect a One For You, One For Me

Running With Scissors

It was a dark overcast day today, here in Mast-ta-Chew-sitts. It was raining, drizzling all day. Damp and cold, but not freezing. Kiki and I went to see “Running with Scissors” tonight, it is based on Augusten Burroughs life story. What a screwed up young adulthood this kid had. His mother was a completley self-centered Running With Scissors