
3rd Show

As previously noted, I’m not re-inventing the comedy wheel. Levon Schpeiser had his first show tonight and he brought like 20 of his buddies from school. Levon is 17. He did his first stand-up set tonight, his Mom brought him . Cool Mom ! I think I’m older than his Mom. .. these kids were 3rd Show

World’s Fastest Indian

I saw the World’s Fastest Indian tonight starring Anthony Hopkins. What a nice little film. It’s a true story based on the life of Burt Munroe who broke a couple of speed records at Bonneville. Just a guy tinkering away for years. He has a dream to get to Utah from New Zealand and he’s World’s Fastest Indian

Basic Instinct 2

I see a lot of crap. I do. I’m neither ashamed of it or poud of it . It’s just the way I find myself doing things. I am not being led around . This happens with my full consent. Tonight, we went to see Basic Instinct 2. Starring Sharon Stone, David Thewlis-an English actor Basic Instinct 2

Second Show

Tonight was the second show. Erin Judge hosted it, she did a very good job. The audience was smallish sized, almost 20 people, mostly couples. They were generous enough with the laughs. It was a really good line-up.One of my favorites that I don’t get to see that often is a guy named Mike Whitman. Second Show

The First Show

All in all, I thought it went pretty well. I went through my material , and I had tried to slow it down a lot. I got to the end, the light wasn’t on and I called out to Randy in the booth ” How much more time” “A minute 10” came the response . The First Show

To Quote Rod Stewart

“Tonight’s the Night. . .It’s gonna be all right. . “ Tonight , I start my “Comic in Residence” at the Comedy Studio in Harvard Square. I am really excited and a little daunted. I have a whole month. I am going to perform 5 nights a week , for a whole month. At the To Quote Rod Stewart

Random Thoughts in Bath Robe

Ahh, here I sit again, partially prepared for work yet still unable to choose something to wear . I had an exhausting day at work yesterday. It was all good, but it was non-stop and that exhausted me. Half way through the day I realized one of my shoes had separated from the sole and Random Thoughts in Bath Robe

Picnic in my Car

Today , I had an appointment in downtown Boston. It was at 11 AM, which was later than usual. I felt that , since it was later than usual, and the spots reserved for deliveries become available at 11 AM, I had a good chance of geting a good space. I was wrong. Most of Picnic in my Car

Failure to Launch

Wow.Where do I begin ?My friend Cathy and I go see a lot of movies. Mostly crap. We’ll see what’s starting next, so it fits into the schedule. Tonight we were aiming for Match Point-we ended up with the more recently released Failure to Launch starring Matthew McConnahey,Sarah Jessica Parker, Terry Bradshaw, Zoey Deschanel and Failure to Launch


Man ! I want a cigarette ! I stopped smoking about 13 years ago. Near the end, it was a pack and a half a day. People could smell me before they could see me. One . Just one. I don’t know why. I don’t feel particularly stressed.The weather is nice and I wish had NICOTINE!!!!!!!