
Red Tape and Tickets

August 21,2005-12:45 am -The Flat To Continue with Friday . . . .. . After Tech, Andy ,Kris and I went up to the Pleasance Courtyard to flyer and eat. Kris got a soup and sandwich which cost about 8 pounds (= $16.00 American). While we were there, Cal called and asked me to handle Red Tape and Tickets

Low Joie de Vivre

5:50 PM -August 18-The Flat A slow going day. Andy and I hammered out an outline for our show. We have a tech rehearsal on Friday at 9:30 am and we open Saturday at 8:10 PM. Kris called and he is on his way over here. I spent some time on personal hygiene-uninterrupted. Cal is Low Joie de Vivre

Bus of the Darned

August 17-9:55 am- Kilmahog-Scotland Andy and I decided to take the tour. Kris got us all worked up and then didn’t show. We went by the Castle Duone that was in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Andy forgot his dramamine and is now a bit quesy. We are stopped for breakfast. I had the Bus of the Darned

The Haggis Issue

August 17-12:05 am -The Flat Today, Andy and I did laundry. We took a cab. We met an elderly Scottish couple. I helped the woman figure out how to use the machines. They had been married 51 years and knew by the 3rd date , each knew that the other was “the One”. While the The Haggis Issue

And SO it Goes

August 15-7:15pm -The Flat Andy and I walked to Kris’s flat to have a meeting to discuss out possible show titled “P45” about people losing their jobs- because that’s what happened to us. It will probably be a “networking/Support Group” structure. It took a really long time to walk to Kris’s flat from ours. However, And SO it Goes

4 out of 5 Stars !

Hi Ya! The 3 Weeks for today gave the storytelling show a 4 star review. I am mentioned for the obscene voicemail story. Wheee !!!! Feel free to go check it out at www.threeweeks.co.uk ( for August 16 under “Anthology -Free”). Three Weeks comes out daily and then they issue a newspaper once a week. 4 out of 5 Stars !

It Is Done

August 14-2:45 am- The Flat Today, Brian just cut out the sketches. They aren’t jibing with the one man portion , potentially huting his chances at a good review. So, they are gone. I am disappointed and my heart hurts, but I’ll get over it. Apparently , he had a pretty good size audience -62 It Is Done

Updating As Fast As I Can

August 12, 2005 -11:20 pm -The Flat Audience 21 Possible Audience Members who were reviewers-1 Today started late, because last night ended so late. Brian and I flyered the Pleasance Courtyard. I think Brian would have been more comfortable having his first period. Then I went to Tesco’s and did a little grocery shopping. Came Updating As Fast As I Can


When I was a teenager, I was filled with a burning desire for crumpets. I spent a couple of weeks calling bakeries, checking supermarkets and enquiring at Specialty food stores. I couldn’t find crumpets anywhere. I really wanted to know what they tasted like. Where they like donuts ? Where they like crackers ? Where Crumpets

More Blog

5:15 pm-August 11,2005-The Flat I am going to dismantle the fucking foos ball table that keeps getting moved to in front of my closet room door. I had already moved it once. No one is playing this thing, it is primarily there for me to bump into. If I dismantle it, no one will find More Blog