
Fuck Thorough

Okay, I think I’m going to start to slack off on the minute details. Though I made a commitment to doing this blog, the pressure of getting to a computer every day is driving me crazy. Oh well , here goes :August4 10:45 am -The Flat So much for getting out and flyering “The Mile” Fuck Thorough


3:55 pm Baby Belly II Internet cafe nearby It’s raining. Got the last of the props. Have to walk back to the flat. I will be soaked. Tonight is our first show. I’m freaking out because I have a clock running in the top of this page and I’m not going to get anything updated. Weather


Then we went down to the Box office and found out our numbers. 141 is pretty good. Then we wanted coffee and computers. Brian went on to get more prop pieces, Calvin and Andy went to get phones- with the plan to meet up with us at the Fringe office -and Rain and I headed Continued

Settling In

August 3, 1 am, The Flat After my trip to the internet cafe, I purchased a delicious ice cream on a stick at the Margiotta (the local corner store)and ambled back to the flat. Every one was in “the Lounge” A/K/A Calvin’s room. A bottle of Smirnoff was open on the table and we were Settling In

Better Late Than Never

Okay, I’ve been writing in my notebook expecting to blog from the flat. That ain’t hapening until next week sometime.This is my 4rth attempt today to get the writng in.First off -KRIS EARLE -DON’T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE-CAN’T CONTACT YOU BY PHONE OR E-MAIL. WE ARE 51/1 LAUDERDALE STREET,MARCHMONT. THE VENUE IS BABY BELLY II. Better Late Than Never

3 Down; 24 to Go !

Tonight we did our little show up at the Winnepesauki Playhouse in Laconia, NH. The show was almost sold out when we got there. We all arrived at roughly 6 PM. I rode up with Andy. Brian has started to build something of a following up in Laconia and that’s okay with me ! It 3 Down; 24 to Go !

2 Down; 1to Go !

Well, it went pretty well tonight. The electricity stayed strong through the whole show. The audience really loved Brian. The weather outside was cool so the temperature inside never got too sweltery. Andy, Kris and Brian all found new stuff tonight in their performances. At one point, Brian yelled out to our director “Hey George 2 Down; 1to Go !

1 Down;2 to Go

Okay , so tonight was the first show. We got there around 6 -Marlyana , Brian and I got there around 5:45 and Kris at 6 and Andy sometime after that. WE ran what we didn’t get to last night. It was a low energy , unfocused excercise. It did what it needed to do 1 Down;2 to Go

Black Out !

Tonight was our tech rehearsal with our Stage Manager Marlayna. We were scheduled to meet at 6 pm. We had to put the back of the stage up so we had some place to make our entrances and exits. That took a while and it was a really messy job. I’m hoping we didn’t inhale Black Out !