

Oh , I had the day off yesterday. I was going to go to Crane’s Beach with my friend, but she had a family situation come up. Then, I thought I might get motivated and go myself , just to watch the sun set. No such luck. I read a whole book , almost finished Slug

Sir ?

Every once in a while , this happens. . . . .. At work in Thursday I saw a man try to walk into the ladies room . Usually , it’s some homeless guy calling his homeless girlfriend out because they are late for some important appointment. Last week, I even saw a woman stand Sir ?

Not Mastering the Technology

Hmmmm, I was hoping to post a blog from my new phone but I still can’t figure out how to use the web on the thing. I can see if I have emails waiting in my mailbox , but I can’t open them. Ah well, I’m sure I’m going to figure it out. I am Not Mastering the Technology

Nana Gets a New Phone

Well, I’ve been looking at this one new phone since before Christmas. I had heard about it last October and I figured, when it was time to upgrade, I would get that phone. I checked it out at the store near one of my jobs. It was $250.00, with a $50.00 rebate. Hmmmmm, okay , Nana Gets a New Phone


Sunday was another deluge of people and rain. Though some of the missing people had found replacements, we still could have used a couple more people. I was late and I don’t like to be late. I got there at 5 of and I was still the first one in. And the computer wasn’t working. $4.00

A Matter of Perception

I suck.I suckety-suck.You hear that sound ?That’s me sucking.Bad.Atmospheric sucking emanating from my pitiful existance.No. . . . I don’t really believe that about myself. I possess many admirable qualities. I bathe daily. I pay my bills on time . I laugh at your jokes.But yesterday, I had an audition for a small film. I A Matter of Perception

Still Awake

I got some sleep and then went in and worked a full day . We were slamming again ! There was a cruise ship in town. We had a full staff and a new guy. He was picking stuff up pretty fast. He’s very knowledgeable about the city. If he’s not scared off by today, Still Awake

Dirty Jeans & Cake

It’s 3 AM here. I just got home from working as a stand-in on the same film I worked on a month ago. Since I was standing in for the same actress and the same scene, I wore the same clothes I had worn last time. However, this time, they were dirty . I had Dirty Jeans & Cake

Jesus is Coughing

SO, yesterday at the booth was a mad house. We were short the manager and 2 regulars. We could have used a couple more people. Some lady got into it with one of my co-workers and she wanted to speak to a manager. Ha-ha ! Come back tomorrow ! It was one about one of Jesus is Coughing