
Suit Up

So, I ‘m driving between jobs today-I’m going from the engineering firm to the drug store-and I check my messages. There’s a call on there checking my availability to do stand-in work tomorrow on the Bruce Willis film that is here. I have to pull over, because I want to be able to think straight. Suit Up

Crisis Averted

Oh, today at work was a busy one. We had 8 people behind the counter. It started as soon as we opened the doors and kept up heavy until around 1 PM. I had a lady with a school group with 53 kids looking for their 10 o’clock tour at 10:15 am. She didn’t know Crisis Averted

Life Is A Parade

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the Boston Celtics, my hometown major league basketball team won the championship . They had a “rolling rally” here in Boston. It’s really a parade without the marching bands. A Sea of green, like St. Patrick’s Day, but without the gay controversies. And , it just so happens, Life Is A Parade

Feeling Normal

Well , I feel like I’m getting closer to normal. I’ve almost repaid my sleep deficit. I went right home after work on Saturday and Sunday. My laundry is done. I’ve puttered. I could putter some more. Yesterday, it rained pretty hard until noontime and then it was overcast for the rest of the day. Feeling Normal

Hard-Working “Actress”

So , I worked on the film starring Bruce Willis and Ving Rhames for the last 2 days. I am really tired and I have gone from exhausted , past second wind into slightly delireous/ possibly crazy. . . . No way do I want to get into bed. I’m gonna wander around the house Hard-Working “Actress”

A Planned Day Off

Since I worked last week, and gave up the Memorial Day Holiday to work in a parking lot in Walpole, my boss let me take today off. You know what I did ? Nothing- a load of laundry , read some magazines , napped , watched a little tv, but , basically , nothing. I A Planned Day Off

The Weather

Well , it was mostly a glorious day , weatherwise, here in Boston . Most of the day , the sky was a bright blue with white puffy clouds. It was about 60 degrees and breezy. I walked around during lunch and it was just beautiful. On our walk home, it started to rain and The Weather

Yesterday & Today

Yesterday, for no particular reason, I awoke at 6 AM. I was wide awake and willing to get up and do something. I did a load of laundry, balanced my check book and did some recycling all before I really had to get up to go to work. I started the day with a real Yesterday & Today

Catching Up Stuff

Palette of PuttyAs most of you who read this know, I do “Extra” work on movies. Lately, thanks to our state’s legislature, we have a lot of movies in production here in Massachusetts. Last year , I worked four times on movies. So far, I have worked on 4 movies in the last 3 months. Catching Up Stuff

Strange Desires

Oh, how I wish, what words to follow would entail a pantless young hunk or satin sheets in a sky high hotel (motel?) room. I wish my desire del dia revolved around bondage devices and champaigne foot soaks . Alas, the one expressing desire is me and this one revolves around food. Nothing kinky, nothing Strange Desires