Comedy Last Night

Despite the fact it was a Division Championship game, there was a show at the Comedy Studio last night. Not a bad size, either ! Doug Chagnon hosted the show. He is the comic in residence this month . I thought he did a really good job. I like Doug. The first act up was “The Outtakes” a sketch comedy group. They insisted on going first, and then they left. Poor sportsmanship in my book . They did okay, but we were all swimming up stream last night.
Then me. I had worked on my set , I had made an effort to focus in and I tried to have a good attitude about the size of the audience. They were good natured, but quiet. I didn’t try any new material. What I had prepared, frankly aren’t “jokes” yet, so I decided against the new stuff. I felt good. They laughed, but nobody busted a capillary from laughing too hard during my set.Rick wasn’t monitoring the time, I was waiting for the blue light. I went over time. Not because I was all uppity and entitled. I honestly thought I hadn’t done my time.
Since a couple of comics had cancelled, a couple of “Special Guests” dropped in. Maria Ciampa went after me. Some pupils from a workshop she had just taught also showed up , and paid, so they were helpful to have in the audience. Maria did a good job. I think she was working on some new material . Good for her ! Shane Mauss also went up , also working on new material. He always makes it look so effortless.
There were a couple of newbies, and , they brought more audience. I would sneak downstairs ,every so often, to see how the Pats were doing. Mostly good. Maggie MacDonald closed the show. I really like her material.
It was very cold yesterday and there was a major sporting event being televised. On my way to the Studio , there was no traffic. There was more on the way home.

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