Cormier’s Comedy Madness

Tonight was the show at the All Asia in Cambridge. It was the first night of the new date/time. Also , it was raining. This was not a good time or place for people to go tonight. I liked the time. It was actually quite convenient for me. However, no audience, for a comedy show. . . . tough. So, making the best of a difficult situation, we had a “Workshop”.It was Janet, Nicolette, Chris Nesmith, me and a late arriving Korte Yeo.
Janet started with new material. I thought she had some good stuff, but I think some of the set-ups were too long. Still , enjoyable. Then Nicolette, she is a poet and I like the way she writes. She presented two poems -one titled “Summer” about waiting at a bus stop with her husband and the other about autumn, also ,essentially, centered around her relationship. Then , me. I didn’t really do much material . The “workshop” suggested a different country of origin for a new joke I’m tagging into the “booth” material. Japan IS funnier than Australia. And then I rambled for a bit about two premises I have been kicking around for the last year. They both have to do with people sort of floating through environments like they’ve never been there before -I’m talking supermarkets & subway trains. I spent a lot of time trying to describe the behaviour and Nicolette yelled out that I need to come up for a word for this behavior. Like a sniglet. After I got done with the ‘workshop’ portion of my stage time, Nicolette yelled out to do the “walking” bit . .. so , I did it.
Chris Nesmith was next, he was also trying to workshop. I started raising my hand after each bit. I don’t want to talk about his material, but he had a lot of callbacks he could add. I enjoyed his set and I hope I didn’t offend him with my interjections. He seemed fine with it after the show.
Korte got there in the middle of Chris’s stuff. He did like 20 minutes. God Bless him ! He kept plugging like a pro ! There were 3 “Civilians” in the bar waiting for the open mike after our little show. I can’t remember his new bits, but I thouhgt he did a great job ! Considering … .
Then Janet re-worked the jokes from the opening. It’s her show, she can do that !
I think she was every disappointed at the lack of turnout. I had a good time . I thought it was a constructive use of my time.

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