Yesterday was in the high teens and it felt downright balmy. Today, it should get up to the 40’s. I’ll barely need to wear pants !Yesterday, I did get stuck on a mound of ice and I got rescued by 4 men who happened to come along at the right time. I may not have a boyfriend, but the universe has been providing men when I most need them. Thank you , you strong , mechanically minded men. You can hold a door open for me , anytime !
Sunday was almost a complete wash-out for me. I worked a different job on Saturday. Though it wasn’t particularly difficult , it was 9 hours long , under yellow flourescent lights and I had to be there at 8 AM. I was asleep Saturday night by 10 PM. I woke up around 7:30 on Sunday , did some laundry, watched my shows (CBS Sunday morning and Sunday Morning Shootout on AMC) and I was asleep again by 1PM. I awoke about 4 and was asleep again by 10. I don’t know what this is about, but I’m getting nothing done.
I am slow on the draw today , too. My Mother has called High-Hosey on the bathroom. SO, I can’t get ready to go out until she’s gone.
I’m not complaining, but I am trying to keep this blog thing going. I would have written yesterday, but I couldn’t get into my account.
I think we’re going to see an Oscar nominated movie tonight. I’ll post about it later.