Doin’ the Dew

I stopped drinking coffee November 1 , 2006. I hadn’t planned on it, it just happened. I got the flu , while on a road trip, and was sick for 3 days straight. I missed a show and 2 days of work. The last thing I had consumed, before I threw up for the next 24 hours, was coffee. That’s what I threw up for the duration. I haven’t been able to drink it since. I switched to tea and that’s been working out pretty good for me.
For those of you who have been following along for the last couple of entries, I have been dog-tired at the end of the day , which makes going out or doing comedy a true effort of the will. I worked a convention yesterday and today. I am pretty tired and if I want to do a good job , I have to think of a way to generate some energy. So. . I drank the free Mountain Dew from the other day. I am perky and alert . I hope I will be able to sleep, because I have to work tomorrow at the booth.
Tonight I did the Studio. It was a great show . The audience was really into it. they were paying attention. If there was a weak link , I was it , and it was still great . I have been working on the order of a couple of things. I opened with something different, something I had done before, but I think it works better this way and went into the “relationships are like buses” bit. I took Josh’s suggestion for rearranging my Theater Arts degree bit and it worked way better tonight . I had been thinking about the joke all week and the timing was perfect when I did it tonight. Some things fell flat but it mostly worked. I felt really good about it.
Everybody did really well tonight.It was a packed house, with people standing in clumps in corners and there were a couple of girls that were sitting on each others laps. Josh Gondelman had his entire family in the audience and they were really great -not just to Josh but to all of us. Renata, Myq, Tommy Morello, Micah Sherman, Dave Powell, Shawn Bedgood were all on. There was a comic from New York, named Barry Rothbart, he had really good material. Dan Boulger was there working on his clean 7 minutes. He has to provide a tape of a clean 7 minute set for some booker. He didn’t do it tonight ,either. He was wickedly funny, but that wasn’t a clean set. Still , it was great to watch. I really enoyed watching the show. I enjoyed performing in the show !
I was so glad I was on the show tonight. I totally enjoyed it . Now, I am totally awake. I hope I don’t get addicted to the Dew, but it sure worked for me tonight.


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