Flat Tire & Doggy “Style”

So . . .I drive a 20 year old car. It’s a SAAB, they last a long time. However, with every old car you can expect “stuff” to happen. Yesterday morning , on my way to work, my tire was flat. I knew it wasn’t flat beyond repair because it periodically rides low. I fill it with air and I’m good to go for a couple ofweeks. It was riding low on Friday and I just forgot to put air in on the way home from work. I went to a gas station ,got air, it was good at the end of the day and I drove home. Fine and dandy.
It was fine on the way in to work. When I got there , it was lower that when I left the house. I still wasn’t riding on a rim , but it’s not safe. I go to the Hardware store on Charles Street and get a can of tire sealant. After work, I’ll put the can in the tire and drive it to my garage. I got a soup at a local establishment and headed back to have take the rest of my lunch.
Today was the Doggy Parade. All sorts of dogs being walked through the Common to some destination. I sat on a bench, ate my soup and watched the parade of dogs stroll by. I love watching dogs. There were a lot of little dogs but my favorites are Labs and Cocker Spaniels. It was a beautiful day today. Not too cold, warm enough for a light jacket. Lovely. It was fun to watch the dogs. They all looked like they were having a Gay Pride Parade. .. except it was Dog Pride. They seemed to know this was a special day for dogs. I love dogs. I wish I could have one.
After work, I put the can in my tire.The can cost $5.49. It doesn’t really inflate the tire, it’ll just fill it up enough to get the rim off the ground. Okay, that was good enough for me. I dropped it off at Aris , in Somerville and took the bus home. The whole procedure only added another hour to my usual commute.

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