So, I have a voice-over audition tomorrow. I would like to get it. It’s good for the resume. I haven’t memorized the script yet and I may not be able to do it because I’m not paid up with the union that governs that type of a job. Sometimes, it’s between paying the phone bill or paying my dues. Phone bill has to be paid. They shut me off a couple of years ago and I don’t feel like I’ve fully recovered , business-wise. Also,I have a huge grudge left over for my phone company. I have paired my services down as low as I can go. I should just cancel the whole thing. . . . I digress. . .
My current manager is thinking about going back to school to get an advanced degree. She’s married with a kid and she’s thinkng about her family’s future. A better degree will help her get a better job. At the very least , it will give her the confindance to ask for a raise simply because she knows the work she’s put into it.We were brain storming ideas. I think she should finish up her undergrad and that will put her closer to going for a Masters. I don’t know where she would find the time between the job and her family, but she’s determined to go for it. Me ? I wanted to get some laundry done tonight and make some phone calls.In that respect , I am very successful ! I did 2 loads of laundry , made my bed and made the phone calls. I had dinner , too. Now I’m blogging.
What I’m tryin to get at is. . . . I don’t think I have a “Big Picture” view. With all this free time not taken up with a relationship or real estate, I should be finishing up my screenplays and the two plays I started. I should be learning Spanish and French. Maybe a little action on my little used Orbitrak.I should have an organized bureau . I could put punchlines to my “interesting ” premises for my comedy. Aahhh welllll. . . tomorrow is another day
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de Plasma, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Projetores, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
If you are implying you’re not doing enough, and I’m just lying on the couch reading what you wrote, what does that say about me?
So far this evening, my major effort involved my bowels.
OH and your blog is likeable, and I am watching the TV de HD.