
To express my feelings about tonight’s performance would sound dramatic and extreme. . .and they are my feelings.
I did not get laughs.
I did not have fun.
I am not skilled enough at the craft to redirect myself.
I Have no resiliance.
It doesn’t matter how many shows are left in my month.


  • Dee-Rob says:

    Aww, Dot. I wish I could say something all show-bizzy, like “the show must go on…” But, what really comes to mind is the movie “Fame” when Monty(?) the gay kid says something like, “My mother always says you have to accept pies in the face.” Only that’s not really it.

    When I have a shitty night of comedy, I just think, “Boy, that would suck worse if I were a pole dancer.”

  • acaguilera says:

    Let yourself have some bad nights Dot – everyone has them. Overall, it sounds like you have been doing great. Consistent experience develops confidence. Keep it going. I wish I could be there to cheer you on. I am cheering you on, but the neighbors have asked me to stop screaming “HA HA HA HA HA! I LOVE YOU DOT! HA HA HA HA HA!”

  • J.J. LESLIE says:

    It’ll be okay, Dot.

  • Korte says:

    Fuck it Dawty, let’s hang it up together.

    I mean… it’ll be okay.

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