It’s A Thanksgiving Day

We had a nice little family Thanksgiving. My brother got a turkey from his union. He made his fantastic stuffing. Mum cooked the turkey, squash and green beans. I made the mashed potatoes, sweet potaotes and gravy. My brother had gone out to visit friends and he started calling every half hour when he thought the bird should be done. When the dinner was finally ready , my mother called him and he promised he’d be home in a half an hour. Ten minutes later, Mum was like ” Oh , he’s never coming home. He’s probably drunk somewhere. I can’ t wait ! Let’s just start without him ! ” and I told her it’d only been ten minutes, if he wasn’t here in 15 , then I thought we could start without him but that we should at least give him a chance to make it. She didn’t believe it had only been about ten minutes. She started putting her coat on , she was going to deliver a plate to a friend. Just as she was going out the door , my brother pulled up in front and pulled her car out of the garage so it would be ready for her after dinner.
The meal was really good. There were some lumps in my potatoes, It think it’s because I did up a whole 5 pound bag . Can’t always get to everything in the pan. Also , I thought my gravy was a tad thin . There hadn’t been much juices and clumps on the bottom of the pan. It was slim meat fixin’s for the gravy . All in all, it was a meal that took all day to make and about 15 minutes to consume. Still, it was terrific !
It was so nice to have a day off. I called and text messaged a couple of friends . I got to talk to a couple and one friend texted me back. I puttered most of the day , did a couple of loads of laundry , finished a book I started in July and had put down , meaning to pick it back up . I found a book I had misplaced that I recieved as a Christmas present last year from my friend’s husband. I had been looking for it and had even asked my friend if I had loaned it to her. She had no recollection of it. I spent a good part of the day checking the Ghost Hunters marathon on othe Sci-Fi channel. In my book ? A thoroughly enjoyable day.
Last night, I did the Comedy Studio, and , if I do say so myself , it went really well. I tried a couple of new things , inlcuding a couple of news tags onto a solid bit that usually works really well every time. I was loose and it worked to my advantage. Peter Bowers was on the show and I thouhgt he really got them going . It was great to go on after him. Tony Moschetto closed the show . Ellen Moschetto, Maggie McDonald and Tommy Morello were on the show . They were all doing new stuff, and it was really great to be on a show with them and that we all seemed to have the same approach to our sets last night. New stuff around the stuff you know usually works. I felt really good after I was done. Because I didn’t have to work today , I was able to hang out for a while.
Yesterday , I worked at the booth and then I had a costume fitting for my uniform for the movie that I will be a freatured extra in . I had to get black lace up shoes to go with the uniform. I didn’t want to pay 80 bucks , I had more in mind 20-30. I tried the army/navy store first . All I saw on the shelves were hundred doller Doc Martens and Harley Davidson stuff. I went up to one of the store guys and told him what I wanted and what I wanted to spend. He said “I think I have exactly what you want, what size are you ?” Ladies size 9 1/2 but a men’s size 8. He brought me to 6 shoe boxes, all black lace-up shoes , all mens size 8 , for $24.50. It was easey-peasey. I did this on my lunch hour.
Also , I got my car back. You know what was wrong ? A bolt had worked itself loose from the thing that holds the alternator steady. No, they didn’t charge me but they had my car for 5 days . Frankly , that’s the kind of deal you get going when you pay in installments. They know they’re going to get their money , but not right away. I understand you have to take the money up-front jobs , and that’s why it took 5 days to get my car back. I’m very greatful, I was afraid this was it for the little SAAB. It’s going to die for good soon, just not this week. I hope.
And now. . . . .to bed. I have to work 2 jobs tomorrow.

1 Comment

  • Dee-Rob says:

    Long Live the Saab!

    Happy Turkey Day, and happy cheap shoe wearing featured extra!

    I gotta email you and find out when you are around when it’s Jesus’ birthday time.

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