Jesus is Coughing

SO, yesterday at the booth was a mad house. We were short the manager and 2 regulars. We could have used a couple more people. Some lady got into it with one of my co-workers and she wanted to speak to a manager. Ha-ha ! Come back tomorrow ! It was one about one of the trolley companies. She was going to let the “Ritz Carltin” (sic)know about her disatisfaction. Knock yourself out lady. Earlier in the week we had a lady mad at us because we didn’t have tickets for the same trolley company. “I’m in customer service and I am not satisfied ! You need to get on your game !”. Clearly, if she did work in customer service, she would have known that was no way to treat people at our level. Surely, she would realize that that would become a sarcastic rallying cry to the more cynical of us (ie-ME).I kept accusing my co-workers of not “Being on their game ” for teh rest of the day. We are innocent victims of the companies who advertise and then don’t provide us with the necessary materials. I fuckin’ hate people . . . .
So, besides it being crazy-crazy yesterday there was also severe thunder storms . The rain just came down all at once . It was just pure water. It was angry water. Thunder and lightning was loud and beautiful. SO, once it began raining, everybody rushed into the center. WE were packed. Many were just standing looking out the windows, some bought plastic ponchos. There was a family with little children and the children got scared because of the lightning and I heard the Mother (maybe she was an aunt ? ) “Oh, that’s just Jesus coughing ! Hear it ? ” So the next time the thunder happened she coughed. “See? Jesus coughing !”. I tried not to make eye contact so I wouldn’t have to get involved with soothing the children or perpetuating more lies about what God & Jesus are all about. I am not an official spokesperson or an authority on the subject. Granted , I have my opinions and I think they are right ,but the kids seemed too young to understand the reality or the abstract of the situation.
It was a tough day. .. it was especially tough because Jesus was coughing all over me and he wasn’t covering his mouth . . . . .


  • Dee-Rob says:

    Wow, if thunder is Jesus coughing, I’d hate to think what is happening with all of the other possible weather patterns. Somewhere I associate hurricanes and flushing.

    By the way, people are damn hate-able. I was just wondering today how the hell people think their rudeness would compel me to do anything.

    Glad you’re on your game.

  • bigtiny says:

    I used to think i was Angels bowling when I was a kid….

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