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5:15 pm-August 11,2005-The Flat
I am going to dismantle the fucking foos ball table that keeps getting moved to in front of my closet room door. I had already moved it once. No one is playing this thing, it is primarily there for me to bump into. If I dismantle it, no one will find the body parts.
Awoke at 10 and was showered and ready to go by 10:45 am. Calvin had called for a “pancake ” meeting. He had invited Unexpected Company so that we could brainstorm ideas. It was supposed to start at noon . Nothing had started by noon. No pan cakes , no meeting, no arriving guests had started. Brian , Andrew and I had to leave to go do the story telling show @ the Laughing Horse . I would be happy to transcribe my notes , but, trust me, it’s pretty boring.
Brian, Andrew, and I called a cab and off we went. The crowd trickles in but it always get larger, rather than smaller. Andrew was heckled by an English Born Egyptian who was trying to get stage time . It was a little uncomfortable, but Andrew handled himself well. He brought me up first and I told the obscene voicemail story. Then Brian (who brought the house down) did a bit from the show. Then Domenic Frisbie and then heckler “Saif”. We made enough money to get reimbursed for the cab. Then I went to Baby Belly to check the box office numbers.

August 11, 11:05 PM -The Flat

We had about 30 people in the audience. Though it was a good show, last night felt better. I came right home. Andy beat me, but he had ordered pizza ! I updated my blog as much as I could stand to type. The plan is to attend the Spank show.

August 12, 3:50 am – The Flat

Attended Spank, saw another amazing show-The Slaughterhouse Live a 4 man sketch group that just hit the ground running. Then Silas something or other -The “Blind” blues singer who doesn’t know he’s white and he’s got “A-Thrite-Us” . A one note joke, but he was committed to it. Then Jackie Loeb , very funny , song parodies, but still very funny. She’s Austarlian. She imitated Shakira, but she does not have the body for it, but her Jelly Belly was perfect for the belly dancing. Then a break, then one minute naked promo-Andy got up and did it again. Brought the house down. Then Dan Calrk, then Scott Capurro-a tall skinny gay Don Rickles that did about 35 minutes. The show went until 3:15 am.
We were sitting up front and something about me made a couple of the comics feel like it was okay to to talk to me. That is the number one reason I don’t like sitting up front. Scott Capurro wanted to know if I was fucking one of the 6 guys I was sitting with. Then he called me “A Ginger”. I had no idea what that was. I thought it was a Gilligan’s Island reference. I had to ask one of the Security guys what it meant. It’s a red head.
At the end of the show, because I was sitting closest to the stage , it took me longer time to get out of the club. When I got out, Andy and Brian were gone. Cal and Jeff said they left. So, I headed for home. Jeff walked with me through the Meadows. It is drizzling here, but I had my hooded fleece to keep me dry. When we got back , Andy and Brian were already home and wanted to know where I went. they hadn’t left , they had just gone to the bathroom.

Spoke to Mum . She said the cat is depressed and misses me. She needs to take him to the vet to get his nails clipped, but can’t get him into the carrier box by herself. So, she has devised a plan to clip one nail a day, while he is sleeping, so he won’t notice. Because he’s asleep. I think he will notice.

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