More of August 9

Brian and my original intention was to flyer the lunch crowd near where the Gala took place the other night . At 12:15 he still didn’t seem mobile, Andy said I should head to Laughing Horse -I could flyer down the Mile to the Cafe . So , right then, that’s what I did. I flyered down the Mile , stopped in at our venue Box Office -24 regular tickets , 10 2 for 1 and 1 reviewer from the “Scotsgay” . Bumped into Kris Earle and headed to the Laughing Horse.
So, I get down to the Laughing Horse at Cowgate and Kris meets me in front of the club. On my flyering trip, I found a cafe that offers free internet. There’s only 3 computers and you have to wait, but it’s free internet. The name of the place is “Bongo”.
So, I hosted the show feeling woefully unprepared and kind of sticky, since I’m wearing dirty pants. I open explaining that I’m the substitute host for ANdrew and I start with the Relationships are like buses section from my stand-up. Still a lot of time left, so I told my “Oh My Goawd ” story about one of my jobs. Then I brought up Kate Smurthwaite who’s doing a show at the Pleasance Dome-she is “Compering” -which means hosting , a stand-up show. Then when she was done with her story about her sister -in -law, Claire, I told the Squirrel story again, because I couldn’t think of anything else to do. Andrew wasn’t there yet.
I thought there was going to be another woman story teller,so- I brought Kris up and then Andrew arrived and then Sarah Bennetto came up to him, she had been there the whole time. It would have been convenient for me if she introduced herself. Then I brought Sarah up and I didn’t do any time in between, when she was done, I brought Andrew up and he basically told the story of why he was late to his own show.His actual interview is for tomorrow. Sarah will host the storytelling show. We made 2 pounds in the jug. Andrew split it with me. Then I walked up here. I’m going to flyer the tables and go home. Go to the Dungeons and Dragons internet cafe. End 3:30 pm

Augist 9, 9:25 pm- The Flat
Tonight we had 39 in the audience and 1 reviewer from the “Scotsgay” paper. I think we finally hit on a useable order. Brian, Therapy Man, Depth Charges . It’s a long way to come for one sketch, but if it’s okay with Brian, then it’s gonna have to be okay by me. Brian got a good response from the audience which should lend itself favourably to a good review for “us”. I am doing another wash to see if I am cursed. We amight make spaghetti, if Calvin comes home with the fix’ins.

August 10, 2005 -2:50 PM -The Flat
Calvin did indeed come home with the fix’ins and our 2 new interns Christina and Emily. I didn’t feel much like socializing. I really just wanted to sit by myself and read the papers. Calvin started calling out for me. I don’t know why, they seemed to have enough people without me. Jeff made the spaghetti. I found the mention of last Friday’s Spank in Monday’s Metro, but they don’t actually say Andy’s name and The “Nigerian Spam Scam” got top billing – I was annoyed by that. So then Calvin drags me out of my room because he thinks Andy is scaring Cristine and Emily. So, I come out , they are lovely but I wish I was home with my Mum and my cat and my costly car.
I didn’t go out last night- mostly because I didn’t want to do anything that would be interesting to blog. In the paper , I read a stoty about 2 elderly sisters who died in a fold-up bed in Spain. Tragic -but Hilarious ! The obits-Peter Jennings, Lucky Thompson and Ibrahim Ferrer passed away.
I awoke at 10 and was in and out of the shower by 10:45 am ! – I washed my hair and got to use a clean dry towel. I was so happy. I walked to the Laundromatte on South Clerk St. Actually, Rebecca, the cleaning lady’s mother, gave me a ride to the place. They had Maytags ! I know how to work that . I got a coffee and newspapers and the whole thing was washed and dried in an hour . Nothing was green !
Then I walked back to Marchmont, picked up the disc from my picture stick, logged at the Dungeons and Dragons cafe and here I am now. Brian hooked up the Wi Fi, so, those with computers may now use them -indoors !

August 10 -12:55 am -The Flat
Audience Members -19
Audience members who were reviewers -1
Tonight was a good show. Brian ‘s piece , give the audience the option to stay or leave , then we did Therapy Man and Depth Charges. That looks like the order we are going to use. I can’t believe I’ve come all this way just to do one sketch -but I guess I did.
We had after show sandwiches at the Baby Belly bar (also a cave) and then Andy had been invited to see the Pajama Men show, I went with him. It was 2 guys dressed in pajamas and I couldn;t tell if it was improv or scripted. I just thought they were really good.
Then I came home with the intention of going back out to Spank but I did some hand washing and I had the place to myself, so it was just easier to stay in.
The weather today was really nice . The sky was a brilliant blue on my way in to the show tonight.

1 Comment

  • gargamel says:

    Ah, the memories!! Clothes that never dry…. flyering the Mile…. waiting for the Scotsman….. the courtyard at the Pleasance….

    And how did I know about the nude comedy promo? I learned about it before I read it here. I was riding up to my job at theatre camp when Wendy got in the car all excited because she’s going to Edinburgh to do naked clowning with her friend Andy!

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