Movies in the Present

Finishing Scotland is taking a lot longer than anticipated. So, I’m going to write my opinion of the 4 movies I have seen since my return to USA.

The Constant Gardener-Ralphe Fiennes, Rachel Weisz, Danny Huston & Bill Nighy. Based on a story by John LeCarre. I was not really hot to see this film, but my movie partner, Cathy, really wanted to see it and I was up for it. The story is well written and well executed. Though, I’m not a big fan of the “Best wife is a dead wife”. Ralphe’s character is a tortured introverted soul who comes alive because of his vivacious beautiful young wife. Then she dies , he has no reason to go on. He really starts to understand her after she’s been murdered. Still, the best movie I ‘ve seen all summer. Though I haven’t seen nearly as many as usual.

Four Brothers-Mark Wahlberg, Andre 3000, Terrence Howard Directed by John Singleton. Again We have the “Dead Woman is the Best Woman” 4 boys who are adopted by the aforementioned dead Mom – Finnoula Finnlayson ? (oh shame on me , I can’t remember the actresses name !) come home for her funeral and decide to figure out who was responsible for her murder. Dirty cops and city officials are involved. The 4 boys were basically lost causes and they were loved into adulthood by their saintly step mom. I love Mark Wahlberg, but I was a little distracted by his Boston accent. The film is set in Detroit and I think he just wasn’t paying attention. Usually, he hides it pretty well.

The Cave-I fell alseep. I haven’t fallen asleep at a film since I was in high school. In addition to the bad script, the film itself was dark- as in not enough light. A crack team of divers investigate a cursed cave in Romania and one by one they disappear. I don’t know how they disappear. I fell asleep.

Tranporter 2- Handsom Rob, Mattheew Modine, Amber Valetta-The premise-the Transporter is on special assignment as a favor to a friend -he is chauferring a kid around for his important government dad when someone tries to kidnap the kid . Our hero promises not to let anything bad happen to the kid and he keeps his word. The Transporter is a hot looking guy (to me ) and there are lots of explosions and car chases. Probably won’t get any Oscar nominations, it’s just fun.
Okay, something new. There we go.


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