Racing to Oscar Night

Well, it soon will be the bewitching hour. Sunday Night-The Oscars. I will be attending a fund raising event with my gay friend Steve. He is referring to me as his “Arm Candy” and I refer to him as “This Hansom Man”. I think he is. You may not agree. Anyway, he talked me into buying a ticket for this fancy dress ball. It’s black tie. He’s rented a tux -$130-and that’s with a discount ! The tickets were $50.00 each. It was supposed to save us money. What kind of self-respecting gay man doesn’t own a Tux ?
My friend Mary Martha has lent me a dress and some Austrian Crystal jewelry-gold with reddish stones. Really beautiful stuff. I ‘m concerned the dress won’t fit me. The dress I had , that I thought would fit, because it was so big the last time I wore it-well, it doesn’t fit. It was a black lace over maroonish satin, strapless, worn with black opera length gloves and black fuck-me pumps.I could either wear it bunched up around my neck or bunched up just above my knees. Either way , the midlands would be left exposed.
I don’t know what I’m going to wear . There was a time in my life when I would buy fancy gowns for “Just in Case”. I’m pretty sure I’ve thrown them all away -or they got paint on them. I would try to borrow a wedding gown. That’s fancy ! But it would be frought with meaning and it may negatively tempt the fates.
My concern with an event like this is that I won’t be able to focus on what ‘s going on on the screen. I don’t want to be interrupted to converse with some ninny who hasn’t seen any of the nominated films or hasn’t been to the movies since 1989. That was NOT a good year for movies ! My friend is on the board of the Screen Actors Guild and his partner (who won’t be attending) thinks it would be good for him to attend this event. I don’t think it’s going to be particularly good for me but Steve is a lot of fun and there may be good food.
I have seen all the nominated films and some of the Actor nominations. I saw Transamerica with my friend Cathy last night. We both liked it . Felicity Huffman did a kick-Ass job. However, I’m rooting for Reese Witherspoon. I know she’s young , but I thought she did a really good job. I didn’t see Keira Knightly’s performance-I like her but I can’t imagine she could have done a better job than Emma Thompson. I had no interest in Cherlize Theron’s film. They give her a bad haircut and expect us to believe that she would take a job like that ? Her skin is too good to be a woman who works in a mine. Monster-she deserved it. As my friend Keith has pointed out-in reference to Kim Basinger in “8 Mile”-“If she looks like that , and lives in a trailer park. .. .She likes knives”.
I’m torn on best actor because I think Phoenix did a killer job as Johnny Cash and it was a real challenge to sing -when you’re not really a singer. There are several moments when he comes across as so in the moment and confused and honest. But Phillip Seymour Hoffman is truly despicable as Truman Capote. I’d be satisfied if he got it.
Best film ? I’m going to go with “Crash”. It was an original story, well acted, cast, directed, lit. Beautiful in many ways. However, I was thinking about Brokeback Mountain days later. It was really beautiful to look at, and the images stayed with me. I will probably buy Walk the Line for my dvd collection. I liked it that much.
That is all. I should get ready to go to the jobs.

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