Semi-Final Round & A Party ( I think. .. )

Tonight was the last of the Semi Finals in the Boston Comedy Festival.It was held at Dick Doherty’s Comedy Vault at Remington’s, on Boylston Street. Tonight’s winners were Shane Mauss, Dan Boulger and Ryan Hamilton and some guy whose name I couldn’t hear because the sound was so shitty in that room. Honestly, there was a tech guy from Terry Handely’s sound company and I could barely hear the acts.
This was a really tough call . Everyone was so good. Myq Kaplan was great and Travis was also great. I would say the set of the night was Dan Boulger. The comics in the Vault area stopped talking and were paying attention during his set. It wasn’t a “Hush” they just stopped talking to listen to Dan. For me , this was what comedy should be about. I wasn’t talking or listening to anyone talk about what ‘s coming up or what they’ve just done. For the most part , I was able to watch and listen. There was great writing and great performing. Rob O’Reilly did a set after the competition and so did Jackie Flynn. Even a veteran like Jackie Flynn came in and brought the “Heat” . He was on his game and he was a great way to end the show. I loved watching this show. I wished there was a woman in the Semis. There’s always next year. ..
Afterward, there was supposed to be a party. I think they did bring some cold cuts in. I stopped to talk with Daniella Capellino (she looked fantastic tonight) and Winson Kidd. Stacey Yanetti was there, she also looked fabulous. The blonde girl from Comedy Central was there checking out talent. I worked my way outside and had a brief conversation with Tony V. George McDonald came by and I had a nice conversation with him. While I was outside, the stars of the Cutler show started ambling down. Nicki DiPaolo, Lewis Black and Kenny Rogerson.
I really didn’t have the stamina to hang around. I have no show to promote . I’m not trying to get drunk and laid (or either one individually, but the combination seems to be the poplular choice for the last 75 years or so .. .). My favorite party, at a prior festival, was the night I ended up with Denise in a corner and we just hung out and talked the whole evening. Sometimes we just stood silently and then someting would happen and we’d just chuckle to ourselves how greatful we were that that wasn’t us. If I have one good conversation over the course of an evening, I’m happy. I think George McDonald was that one good conversation. I just don’t have the patience to go to parties anymore.
I’m sure other people were finishing their shows all over town and were heading over to the Vault . However, none of them had arrived by the time I left.

1 Comment

  • Dee-Rob says:

    Ha. Now I wish I were there. That was a fun night, good convo, happy festival moment.

    Then again, I just dozed off in front of the TV on this big Friday night. So, who knows where I’d be snoozing.

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