Star Car

Yeah, my car is a star ! An aging, dangerous , rickety star. I am talking about it’s recent appearance in the movie “21”. I , too, appear in the film. Near the beginning of the movie, which was actually shot close to the end of filming here in Boston, I appear. On the left side of the screen, I am a waitress and I am carrying a couple of beers , I walk toward the camera and then to the right and out of frame and then I walk on up the aisle on the other side presumably to take someone’s order. I am wearing a gray Doyle’s t-shirt and my hair is in a curly pile on top of my head. I am facing the camera because I am walking toward it , but I don’t look into the camera. If you know me, you’ll recognize me. Don’t blink ! It’s that fast.
The scene after the restaurant is the lead and his “mother” (with an atrocious Boston accent) are walking back to her car. In the background behind them is my little brown SAAB . It, too, is facing the camera.
Also, there is a scene , later in the film, where the leads are running through the back of the casino and kitchens. FYI, those scenes were shot at none other than the Boston Convention center on Summer Street.
Today , I am on my way up to the Burlington Mall to work as an extra on yet another film. My call time is 12:30 and I will probably still be there at 1 AM tomorrow.
Yeah, I’m using my degree . . . . . .


  • Dee-Rob says:

    Hey, I wasn’t going to see “21,” but now, now, I have to think about it!

    Honor to know you and honor to have been in the star car.

  • Dee-Rob says:

    Hey, I wasn’t going to see “21,” but now, now, I have to think about it!

    Honor to know you and honor to have been in the star car.

  • David says:

    please tell ms. d-rob 1) that she spells her name wrong and 2) stop putting two of everything.

    and degree… the deodorant? if so, here here. it’s good to go to a long day of shooting with anti-perspirant. nobody wants ol’ stinky pits dwyer.

    if it’s not the deodorant – shame on you!

    david j. walsh

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